domingo, 15 de abril de 2007

month of the years

- Unit13: this unit you would see a map made by me. well you can see, it have to learned how to give exactly locations

Month of the years
what your name?
my name is ivette

whats is your favorite month of the year?
My favorite month of the year is dicember
Why? It’s December because it’s brirday tha my child and is fine

what is your favorite day of the wek? Why?
It’s Saturday because go to party

what date is today?
Today is april 03th 2007

what day is today?
It’s Tuesday

when is your birthday?
It’s on august nineteenth

whats your favorite date of the year? Why?
19th the august because its birthday .

- There they saw it I had to place a series of directions by my

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